Help and Respite for Carers
Are you a carer?
There are many people out there who wouldn't consider themselves a carer even though they actually are one. This may be because you look after a loved one and think that what you are doing is just what is right.
It is important to understand that you are a carer and that you may be entitled to help and support.
If you look after a relative, family friend or partner that is ill or disabled then you are a carer. Even if you do not think that you are, there are many ways in which you may care for someone that you may not think count as being a carer.
For instance :
- You may be on hand 24 hours a day to provide care.
- You may drop round each day to see if they need anything.
- You may arrange hospital appointments for someone.
- You may visit a relative who lives far away once a month to see how they are doing.
If any of the things above are something that you do, then you are a carer.
It is important to know this because you may be entitled to help and support. This help and support can come in many different forms. You should contact your local social services department to see what help is available to you and the person you care for.
- If you have cared for someone for a long time you may be entitled to support.
- If you are helping someone recuperate after having an operation temporarily you may also be entitled to support.
- It is important that you take time to review your options and find out what help and support is open to you.
Please explore our website further to find out more about being a carer and what you may be entitled to.
Help and Respite for Carers
Home Carers Help offer premium respite care available for carers throughout London. If you would like to discuss our respite care services at home, please complete our contact form.